Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Can I have your attention please? Testing...

I'm busy test driving a new (2nd hand) laptop. I've been itching to get one but have not had the funds to go the whole hog and purchase one. The only way that I would be able to take on this challenge would be to get one at a really cheap price - or do a swop out with one of my friends. I have a spare computer that I haven't been using to its full potential. So a test drive on the laptop is now in order.

I have to make use of this opportunity...I live in a house with another guy. His dad owns the house - he is however not here very often. He works abroad in Angola. Anyhow...the hours that my housemate keeps leaves much to be desired. Don't get me wrong. I don't really mind or care that he comes in from town at 2 in the morning. Just don't bring the rest of town with you when you come home...during the week!!!! Some people!

Last week I spent 2 days testing our model boat on a dam near Mooreesberg. The dam is called Misverstanddam. The name is quite apt. One would easily mistake this dam for a short river. After our first day of testing we decided to see how long the dam really is. Its about 17km long. We travelled for about 15km and thought that we had pretty much reached the end. Also, we didn't trust the fuel gauge on the boat - it wasn't dropping at all during our entire day's worth of moving around! :) The testing was quite a lot of fun. We even had a bit of drama during the eveing when we discovered that one of the engine bays had pretty much filled up with water. We're working with electric motors here. And as most people will tell you: "Water and electricity don't mix!!" We had a small fire in the engine compartment. This smoked one of the motor controllers. There goes R2500. The aftermath left quite a bit of mess. We promptly sealed every single hole and crack or percieved crack with silicone the next morning.

Marisa has convinced me to start growing a beard. Not too sure what she sees in it, but while she encourages this little bit of laziness I'm not going to complain!! Its been going for just over 2 weeks now. Will have to see what it looks like closer to my birthday next month - next weekend!!

Sleep well all of you!! I'm off to dreamland.


Blogger Louw said...

Your beard will start to itch pretty soon, and this is the test if you're a REAL man. All those other boys cant handle a bit of an itch for a few days and shaves it off. So show your a MAN and keep it growing till your ready for ZZ Top.

12:42 pm  
Blogger Louw said...

Maybe u should too... give it a try Kalahari, maybe u like it if u get used to it...

10:33 pm  
Blogger __ said...

I can't wait to see the beard :D

6:46 pm  

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