Thursday, July 13, 2006

It seems worth the wait

I've had to learn to be very patient over the years. From having to wait weeks to go home when I was in hostel at school, or attempting to save for that special item and so the list can go on.

The latest test in patience extended itself into the realm of our wedding plans. The first major deadline that has to met is the venue and date. In that order! Both Marisa and I are steering for 24 February next year. We made a provisional booking 2 Fridays ago and tomorrow is the deadline for paying a deposit to secure the venue. Marisa's folks have taken on the task of paying for the major expenses that will be incurred. Reaction time is however a factor. But there's a silver lining...our deposit is to be paid tomorrow morning! :) Praise God!! Prayer does work.

The major items that need to be arranged for the wedding have not been looked at very seriously yet. Can't really book people and stuff if you don't have a time and place to put them all!!

The potential project that I spoke of promises to be very interesting. Won't go into too much detail lest the industrial spies grab my ideas!! We're looking into a call-center system. Hopefully we can develop the idea to the point where we totally undercut the existing sellers and also produce a very competitive and quality product. While still making a ton of money for ourselves!! No other reason why one would go into business I guess. Even charities aim to make money - if not for themselves then for the people that they are serving.

The other idea that we touched on was a pet idea of mine that the above project's initiator was also sharing. Home automation is a concept that I believe people would find very useful. The ideas in my head are swimming around as if in a whirl-pool. Need to organise my thoughts on this.

The old Masters study bug seems to have bitten me again. I've attempted to study a Masters twice now without much success in getting into the course. I believe the reason for the turn downs have something to do with the fact that I needed to write a Dean's exam for one of my subjects. This is the exam you get when you have passed everything except this ONE subject. Then you get to request this exam. My final year project wasn't too bad. And my other subjects were all passes. I really want to do the course. I know it'll bother me if I don't do it.

Time does teach one many lessons. The type of fields of research that I would consider going into now differ quite vastly from that which I would have done had I started my Masters course immediately after my undergrad years. So perhaps there are reasons for everything.


Blogger Gremlin said...

Hay there Friend.

Good luck with all and congrats with your wife to be, Hope that you will have a wonderful time to come.

With the studdy's, All is possible and you will succeed if you put your hard into it.


5:20 pm  

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